DT News - Nordic - Eleven tips for success in your dental clinic Part II: CAPS & CLIMB

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Eleven tips for success in your dental clinic Part II: CAPS & CLIMB

Photograph: (Geralt/PixaBay)

Tue. 14 February 2017


Today, I will share with you the knowledge I have gained within the past 25 years of managing and evolving my clinic so you can always be one step ahead and avoid mistakes I have made in the past. The third very important tip that I am going to share with you today in order to be and remain successful at your clinics is how to regain your power.

We learn a lot of things during our studies in the dental schools. We learn how to make the best fillings with great contours and biocompatible materials; how to treat a tooth that needs a root canal therapy, but do we really learn anything on how to find the best employee that will make our life and daily routine easier?

Firstly we should make a job analysis by listing the CAPS of the candidate. If we do not take the time to complete this process, we will not know from the beginning exactly what we are looking at and by this we will increase the risk of making the wrong choice.
If, for example, we go to the supermarket without our shopping list, what will we end up doing? We will most probably buy unnecessary things or even forget the things that we went in the beginning there for. My point here is that when we decide that we need to hire an employee we should know upfront what we are looking for, otherwise we might make mistakes that will cost us money and time!

Let’s have a look now what does CAPS stand for:
Capacities: The mental and physical abilities required to do the job. How smart and how strong (physically capable) must the successful applicant be?
Attitudes: such as customer service, orientation, team player, reliability, honesty, willingness to follow rules, problem-solving, loyalty, safety-consciousness, ability to follow through—Imagine having a receptionist who, although she is doing the job without a mistake, complains about everything all the time. Is that a person that you would love to have as part of your team?
Personality: traits such as competitiveness, assertiveness, attention to detail and sociability—Also search whether the person will manage his or her personality to get the job done, since as social scientists declare about 60 per cent of our personality traits are inherited and most of them are set by age nine. In other words: personality can’t be taught and it doesn’t change much over time.
Skills: Expertise required to do the job—Skills are the easiest job requirements to identify. We could do that by asking the candidate to perform certain tests. For example, if we are trying to find a receptionist we could ask her to translate an article, or through role playing to check how she responds in certain scenarios.

Have always in mind the quote ‘we hire them for the skills but we fire them for their attitudes’!

So finally we found our A-star employees and now what do we have to do in order to keep them?
The fourth very essential tip of today’s article that I would love to share with you is the different ways that we can use to retain our A-star employees.

Apply CLIMB to retain your team!

Now let’s explain a little what does exactly the acronym CLIMB stands for:
Challenge: Studies have shown that the main reason that our employees resign is that they are dissatisfied with their tasks. That’s why we should give them challenging duties to accomplish. And what will the result be? They will feel useful and they will find it difficult to leave from a job that offers them different and unique experiences.
Loyalty: Be human with your employees and do not be afraid that you will lose your power. Show interest in their problems and lay back in times that they cannot handle any more pressure.
Investment: Invest time and money to them so they will feel appreciated. During my lectures I get regularly the question that we reward them by giving them bonus and still they are not motivated enough, what shall we do? My answer here is that you must renew your reward system regularly.

Sometimes you can give them cash (as bonuses) or maybe you can offer them other kind of incentives, like buying them a free trip for vacation on Christmas, for example. Research has proven that the more powerful and effective incentives are the ones that are specific, tangible and non-cash.

Also please remember to ‘Reward not the best in sales but the best’ A major mistake that we usually do is to only reward the ones that bring money to our clinics. Instead we should reward the best in our practices, the ones that are completing their tasks in excellence unconditionally to what this task is.
Measurement: Conduct a fair performance appraisal every six months.
Building: Demonstrate your commitment to them by showing them opportunities of career development.

During the next issue we will analyse two new tips that will reveal new opportunities and potential of our dental clinics. Till then, remember that not only are you the dentist in your clinic, but you are also the manager and the leader.

You can always send me your questions and request for more information and guidance at:
dba@yiannikosdental.com or via our Facebook account.

Looking forward to our next trip of business growth and educational development!

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LM-Dental unveils enhanced My LM‑Activator for early orthodontics

The My LM-Activator silicone aligner and activator provides a simple and gentle orthodontic treatment method for young patients with mixed dentition, effectively correcting various malocclusions. (Image: LM-Dental)

Fri. 21 June 2024


PARGAS, Finland: LM-Dental, a dental instrument manufacturer located in the Southwest region of Finland, has recently announced the launch of My LM-Activator, a new and improved appliance in LM‑Dental’s portfolio of clinically proven LM-Activator appliances. My LM-Activator was officially launched in June at the 99th annual congress of the European Orthodontic Society in Athens in Greece and at the 17th congress of the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry in Gothenburg in Sweden.

My LM-Activator is a prefabricated silicone aligner and activator that gently supports healthy and natural growth of the face and jaw. Developed in close collaboration with clinicians, the appliance is suitable for treating excess overjet, excess overbite, anterior open bite, anterior crowding, Class II malocclusion and anterior crossbite.

“Early orthodontic treatment aims to detect malocclusions at an early stage and stop their development. The silicone eruption guidance appliance has been specifically developed for early orthodontic treatment. It guides a child’s erupting teeth and jaw growth as well as widens dental arches. The eruption guidance appliance is mainly used at night,” said Prof. Juha Varrela, a specialist in orthodontics from the University of Turku’s Institute of Dentistry, in a press release.

Since research indicates that malocclusion in the primary dentition tends to become more severe as the dentition develops, the ideal time for treatment is in the early mixed dentition. By intervening and taking action to correct malocclusion early, the need for further treatment can be significantly reduced or even eliminated.

In Finland, LM-Activator has been used in orthodontic treatment for 20 years for guiding the occlusion and correcting malocclusion of hundreds of thousands of Finnish children, and the scope of international users is ever expanding. “My LM-Activator represents a significant leap in our company’s dedication to providing high-quality orthodontic solutions for growing patients,” added Matti Savolainen, business and product manager at LM-Dental.

The new and enhanced My LM-Activator appliance has the following advanced features for user friendliness and comfort:

Streamlined anatomy: My LM-Activator presents an overall sleek and lightweight design, improving fit and comfort for the patient.

Harmonised design and sizing: A harmonised design over the size range makes it even easier to find a good fit for the patient. The ultimate high-gloss finish is combined with superior wear comfort.

Optimised vertical control: The improved thickness profile of the occlusal plane enables vertical control, empowering the development of optimal occlusal conditions in the mixed dentition.

LM-Dental was founded over 50 years ago and is part of Planmeca Group, one of the world’s leading dental equipment manufacturers. (Image: LM-Dental)

LM-Dental was founded over 50 years ago and is part of Planmeca Group, one of the world’s leading dental equipment manufacturers. (Image: LM-Dental)

My LM-Activator is already available in European Economic Area markets. (Image: LM-Dental)

My LM-Activator is already available in European Economic Area markets. (Image: LM-Dental)

The My LM-Activator packaging boasts a modern design. (Image: LM-Dental)

The My LM-Activator packaging boasts a modern design. (Image: LM-Dental)

As part of LM-Dental’s commitment to engaging with a new generation of patients, the My LM-Activator packaging now has a modern design. The new product line supports the company’s key objective of communicating the benefits of early orthodontic treatment to patients.

Editorial note:

My LM-Activator is available as a medical device in European Economic Area markets; however, availability might be pending regulatory approval in other markets. More information about the company can be found here.

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